Thanks to masks, traffickers are invisible.
Masks are covering up more than your face. Yes, I've complained about our freedoms being erased. Yes, I have been more than accommodating to hear the stories and expressed disbelief of it all. But while we were sleeping and governors whining about forcing masks on Americans, children are missing in huge numbers [*featured photo courtesy of Radio Maria.]
We have been DUPED. When you pay attention to the hawker, the real news becomes background noise.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children, including child sexual abuse material, child sex trafficking and online enticement. In 2019, the CyberTipline received 16.9 million reports related to suspected child sexual exploitation. These reports contained 69.1 million videos, images and files, see the list HERE.
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A recent article said that handlers in Mexico are forcing older kids to kidnap younger kids for them: "The search for Dylan Esaú Gómez Pérez led prosecutors in southern Chiapas state, on the Guatemalan border, to a house in San Cristobal de las Casas where 23 abducted children were being kept at a house in deplorable conditions and forced to sell trinkets and handicrafts in the street." Read the rest HERE.
RIGHT NOW there are 172 missing children in Ohio according to NCMEC. See them HERE.
A friend's FB page posted: "Statewide mandated mask order effective 6pm tomorrow Ohio [or your state]. Put away all distractions when out alone, pay attention to your surroundings and keep your children within arms length. You think one of the biggest human trafficking hotspots in the country is bad now? Just wait when every stranger is suddenly anonymous and unidentifiable!"
You can thank your governors for this. They ignore 4000+ murdered unborn children every day and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of missing kids every year...BUT PUT THAT MASK ON so that you are literally unidentifiable, a ghost, invisible.
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How do YOU look with a hat, sunglasses and a mask on? Now put gloves on to hide your fingerprints and DNA. Okay, now think about a trafficker doing the exact same thing moving about polite society.
So the next obvious place to go as a public prolifer is how proaborts and deathscorts assault prolifers for not wearing masks. Just let that sink in for a minute. It's their new narrative, much like our governors. Hiding behind a flimsy piece of cloth, they protect abortionists, not the unborn or born children, ignoring the obvious: CHILDREN ARE MISSING AND DEAD. But PUT THAT MASK ON.
No, masks are NOT prolife. They are hiding criminals and evil for a virus that has a 99% survival rate.