Failure of Abortion
Heal, Restore and Forgive.
‘The Failure of Abortion’ is a five part series examining why we ended up on
the abortionist’s table. Women are life-givers; women are entrusted by God to
give life through birth, not take it. God gives us every tool we will ever need
to be a parent. He has not and will not forsake anyone because they chose LIFE.
But abortion happens every day, at least 4000 times per day just in the United
States alone.
There is only one reason why we abort: FAILURE. Yes, failure -
because there is not one good reason or purpose for aborting an unborn child;
thus the answer to the abortion question is always FAILURE. Do NOT let the 1%
(rape/incest/abnormalities) sway you to choose abortion and NEVER let the 1%
take away your restoration or keep you from being 100% PROLIFE; think of
the Parable of the Lost Sheep:
“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’ I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” Luke 15:4-7
This series is for Post-Abortive and Pre-Abortive women and
men. It is always the goal of KeepLifeLegal
to steer the pre-abortive to parenthood instead of abortion death; however at
least 1/3 of women and girls in the United States is post-abortive and need to
heal. In order to heal we need to forgive and we need to be valuable once again
– we also need to accept the fact that we failed along the way to get us to
where we are today. Our failure can be our gain if we face it, accept it and
We will look at 5
types of failure that causes women and girls to abort:
- Failure in Right Relationships
- Failure in Right Decisions
- Failure in the System/Government
- Failure in the Church
- Failure in Forgiveness
Failure is a tough word to swallow, it’s like this horrible
demon that follows us and torments us wherever we go as a continual reminder of
our indiscretions and carelessness of our lives. We did not end up on the
abortionist’s table with the beaming smile of a martyr; we are not there
because it is for the ‘best’ - we are there because we are broken and FAILED
Ultimately, we will understand that through failure we can
forgive and be forgiven for our abortion failure. Is our affliction too hard to
overcome? Nothing is too hard for God and He means for you to be healed,
restored and FORGIVEN.
NEVER forget that YOU
are also made in His image and created for such a time as this:
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief
and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your
father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom
for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
Failure in Right Relationships
How did we get here? What was the sequence of events that
led us to the abortionist’s table? How did we ever get to the point in our
lives that sacrificing a living unborn human being to be the right answer to
anything? Who told you the lie that abortion is ever a right answer?
Our failure in right
relationships is key to where we are in our lives, particularly in abortion
failure. Think of the sequence: 1) Met him/her (yes, men are post-abortive), 2)
had sexual relations without the benefit of marriage, 3) pregnancy became the
result of the sexual relationship.
As elementary as that sounds, many other factors are in the
mix. Being pregnant and unmarried brings in a plethora of people that feel they
have the right to end your pregnancy. Think you’re alone? THINK AGAIN.
Who are the usual suspects in deciding your unborn baby’s
fate? Remember, these people want your baby to die an abortion death for THEIR
- Parents. Yes, parents. Right now, they are worried about themselves, not you
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend. This is when you find out how they really feel about you, or DON’T feel about you
- Friends. Incredibly, everyone has either had an abortion or knows someone close that has and they say they got over it
- Extended Family. This is where you find out about all of your post-abortive family members. Prepare to be amazed.
The father (or mother) of the baby, parents, friends and
extended family feel they can make this decision for you, to protect
you. They know better than you, they know what is best for you and have
NO problem letting you know that your baby is about to ruin your life. However,
the opposite is true: YOUR UNBORN BABY is going to ruin their lives, their
reputation and their finances. What they don’t realize or CARE about is that it is your life that will change forever
if you end the life of your unborn baby. The grief is immeasurable; the grief
is forever and no one else will go through it but you.
These failed relationships mentioned in the paragraphs above
are what brought us to the abortionist’s table - believing we are doing some
kind of great humanitarian work by silencing the life of another to soothe a
temporary situation FOR THEM. After abortion, everyone’s agenda becomes clear.
Our personal failure in relationships is not something that
happened overnight. We procured and fed these relationships because of our own
need to be accepted. We reluctantly gave in to social pressure because of our
need for acceptance in the culture of the world. We lose our innocence; we
maintain a steady quiet reluctance - all for the love we feel we need in order
to survive. In the eyes of the world we have passed the test and now on our way
to losing any respect we had for ourselves.
“And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” Genesis 3:8
We hide these failed relationships and what it has produced
but what we really fail to do is know that God sees and hears everything. We
cannot hide our abortion failure from God even though we make a nice front for
everyone else. The failure of abortion results from years of wrong
relationships. We trust, we get hurt. We love, we are abandoned. We get abort,
we are ostracized. We expected more, we are let down.
But there is good news! Yes, we lost our baby to abortion.
Yes, we are ostracized (thankfully!) from the social circle that led us to the
abortionist’s table....but God has not left you! We ignored Him, we set Him
aside...and worse yet we didn’t believe in Him anymore:
“And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8
As this verse says, God goes before us to where we are about
to go to save us from what the world will take from us. I FIRMLY believe that
my abortion experience is where I went before you to show you
that there is a better way than abortion. God knows what He is doing and He has
used the afflicted to counsel you.
In finding right relationships, we look for more than the
obvious...we look for the love of God rather than the love of the world, we
think twice instead of not at all, and we are patient for the Glory that God
has for us. And most of all, we ENDURE: “But he who endures to the end shall be
saved.” Matthew 24:13
Failure in Right Decisions
Just like throwing out ignored leftovers from the fridge, we
are allowing unborn human life to be thrown out like wasted food from last
night’s dinner without a thought. BAD DECISION. What motivates people to make
abortion decisions...or who? How bad does life have to be to make the decision
to abort?
Decisions...decisions. We ended up on the abortionist’s
table because of a myriad of decisions, not just one. Our ability to reason is
just one thing that separates us from the animals – that being said, our own
reasoning has brought us to the point of ending unborn life and I haven’t seen
any animals aborting their young.
But getting back to our own inability to make right
decisions...let’s look at some of the great decision making that got us here:
- Premarital Sex. It is a fact that 100% of the people that practice abstinence will not get pregnant. No, really.
- Recreational alcohol and drug use. Not one good decision has ever been made under the influence.
- Pressure or discipline. Actually, that would be LACK of discipline with a great big dose of pressure from friends, family, boyfriends/girlfriends.
- Media. The ‘mainstream media’ is in many forms that run in the background of our lives every day. We hear commercials, watch shows & movies, listen to music, read magazines & books, the internet...all of which indoctrinates us with what they think we need to know all the time and without your permission.
- Trust. We trust everyone and everything else but God. Again, I can 100% assure you that God will never give you an abortion answer to any question. EVER.
Stats say that at least 85% of women/girls that abort never
wanted to abort at all AND over 65% of women/girls were FORCED to abort.
Coercion is the leading reason why we abort and we not only allowed it but
accepted it until it was too late.
The indoctrination we receive, usually under the radar, is
how our society has become desensitized to abortion. We are numb to the point
of killing unborn children over 4000 times per day...that we know of. Our Failure of Abortion is a failure in our
culture as human beings. I would love to say this is within the borders of the
United States, but the daily abortion rate WORLDWIDE is way
over 150,000...again, that we know of. Since the advent of ‘chemical abortion’
(mifepristone) and it’s availability over the internet, it is nearly impossible
to know how many other unborn children are lost to abortion.
To look at the decisions made in this country to allow legal
baby killing, you have to go back to when other
decisions made way for it. At the turn of the 20th century,
abortion was essentially abolished in the U.S., to the chagrin of many present
day abolitionists. It is apparent that abolition was not ironclad enough to
keep abortion not just illegal but also enforceable. But the question kept
coming up about our ability to ‘evolve’ into a better species; it was
questioned whether or not people with any disability (racial, mental, medical
or hereditary) should be allowed to be born, marry or give birth themselves.
Thus, people like Margaret Sanger came about to point out how the human race
will fall if we allow these ‘human weeds’ to live and procreate. Apparently the
inarticulate petrified the self-imposed intellectuals of the day.
Personally, I look back to the Roosevelt presidency and see
that as soon as entitlement came about, abortion was right behind it, illegal
still but still rampant. It was simple, really, to see how someone that was
disabled to be the Father of Entitlement and inclusion. Just like Americans thought
Roosevelt was the savior of the Great Depression, it is as it is today with
Obama and the Socialistic Regime he has imposed on us with a hardly regulated
abortion INDUSTRY. After all, if they kill them in the womb, there would be
less ‘waste’?
And let’s not forget the failed Equal Rights Amendment –
quite simply, women didn’t want to be EQUAL with men, they wanted (and still
do) to conquer men and found a way by eliminating pregnancy through abortion
without their consent. Roe v. Wade was a parting gift for the failed Equal
Rights Amendment; NEVER equal, but MILLIONS of dead unborn children to prove a
woman’s right to be a killer:
“The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed in 1923 by Alice Paul and the National Woman's Party. It was passed by Congress in 1972 and sent to the states for ratification, which is achieved when a proposed amendment is accepted by three-quarters (38) of the states. By the Congressionally imposed deadline of June 30, 1982, only 35 states had voted yes......The Equal Rights Amendment is not yet in the U.S. Constitution.” (
So far, women have undermined themselves, their health and
their unborn children to make men and government quiver in fear for them.
Ironically, NOTHING can be further from the truth. Right decisions, not
reactionary decisions.
It’s not too late - right decisions are getting closer to
making better law and hopefully to repeal bad law. Can we as a civil society
finally repeal Roe v. Wade? Yes. Will we? That remains to be seen in this
lifetime, but God is GOD and with Him all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
Failure in the System
The System is comprised of the building blocks of the
Church, Family, and Government. Many blocks made the building that is the
abortion facility. The Failure in the System in right decisions is another
reason why we have abortion law and acceptance. It is the failure in the system
that gave us over 55+ MILLION DEAD.
The failure of abortion is a personal failure in our lives
that pointed to that exact moment at the abortion facility. Now, we could have
said a resounding NO that day, but we did not....most of us wanted to say no, some of us did, but we were
shoved by family/friends/spouses and herded into a pen with others that had the
same pale deathly fear on their faces. We looked at each other frantically
nearly to panic attack mode looking for the back door. And if you think about
it, there is never a back door to escape in the abortion design.
you ever seen the movie ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ when she realized why she was on the
table looking at all the people she trusted...and all they wanted was her baby.
I remember distinctly feeling exactly like this, as if everyone was in on it
but me. To this day, it chills me to the bone....the System – my system -
failed me.
The abortion facility workers made no attempt to look into
our eyes and seemed almost dead themselves. When will this be over...when will
normal come back? Never. On THAT day, we were about to embark into the ‘new
normal’ of being a brand new American demographic: post-abortive. Post-abortive women make up about 1/3 of all women.
How’s that for system failure?
The System made this bed we were forced to sleep in forever. The failure of abortion is not just our personal MORAL
failure; it is failure in the Church that did not preach against it. It is
failure in our government to protect all life as our founding documents
promised and has not - it is the FAILURE
OF THE WORLD SYSTEM to allow such a thing to curb the population over the
statisticians fear of global warming, lack of water and food, a significant
rise in third world regimes, and an overall declining economy.
Lastly and most importantly, it is the system’s failure of
FAMILY. The failure in the system is a symptom of our failed family dynamic:
- Men don’t want to be or have to be husbands or fathers
- Women are empowered by the government to be single and childless
These two points are why women/girls abort at the rate of
nearly 25% of all pregnancies in the United States. Parents push their girls to
abortion to alleviate any financial burden that a grandchild conceived out of
wedlock will incur. It used to be that parents quietly sent their girls away
for a few they usher them into abortion facilities with
expressionless faces as if it’s another day like any other.
The failure in the system is not a reaction – it is a fact.
Abortion kills, the system allows it: FAILURE.
Failure of the Church
As a nation that was founded on Christian principles, the
United States of America has told God that He is no longer welcome. The Failure
of the Church allowed evolution to be taught in schools and prayer taken out.
The Failure of the Church allowed homosexuality and the Liberal Agenda into
schools, the Federal Government, and, ironically, right into the church. The
Church has acquiesced and applauded abortion and contraception. And now we pay
the price with the lives of the unborn and the broken lives of the
post-abortive afterlife of nearly half of all men and women in the pews.
Essentially, the Church allowed this evil and neglects it’s new demographic as
if it’s NORMAL:
Abortion, the Church
& the Diverse Agenda: “Sexuality is God's life-giving and
life-fulfilling gift. We come from
diverse religious communities to recognize sexuality as central to our humanity
and as integral to our spirituality. We
are speaking out against the pain, brokenness, oppression, and loss of meaning
that many experience about their sexuality.”
“The courageous
witness of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, along with a growing
body of social and scientific research, inspire us to affirm sexual and gender
diversity as a blessed part of life. Religious leaders must help to create a
new understanding of sexual and gender diversity, and to promote full equality
of LGBT persons in all areas of religious and public life.”
There is a letter written by these fanatical zealots from
the Religion Institute that pushed abortion to be included in Obamacare
legislation. Particular denominations that have sanctioned this letter include
the American Baptist Churches, Church of the Brethren, Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America, Presbyterian Church, United Church of Christ, and The United
Methodist Church – and that’s the short list. Most of these so-called 1100
clerics are part of the Religious Institute (, an
army of NONE. These clerics are from the Liberal Modern Church that supports
ALL sexual diversity and nothing about God the Father, God the Son or God the
Holy Spirit.
Getting back to the letter, it contains verbiage that simply
says that the sanctity of life is not sanctified; it is in fact secondary to an
active sexual diverse lifestyle: “All persons have the right and responsibility
to lead sexual lives that express love, justice, mutuality, commitment,
consent, and pleasure….We support responsible procreation, the widespread
availability of contraception, prenatal care, access to abortion services and
intentional parenting.”
Intentional parenting is saying that the only children that
are allowed to be brought to term are babies that were ‘intended’, or meaning
that all other pregnancies that were allowed by God because of Sin should be
aborted or avoided. This would also lean toward IVF and artificial insemination
used by single women and lesbian couples because the resulting children are
Responsible procreation is kind of like saying ‘intentional
parenting’ a little differently but making the connotation of using birth
control and abortion as a way to control the hand of God in procreation that
was originally meant to be; i.e.: Husband and Wife ONLY.
“Already, federal policy unfairly prevents low-income women
and federal employees from receiving subsidized reproductive health services,
but the new proposals would mean that even more women and families would lose
access to these vital services,” said the Rev. Debra W. Haffner, executive
director of the Religious Institute (
What must I do to be saved is a familiar question in the
Christian Church. We get saved, baptized; read our bibles, fellowship, attend
services regularly. It’s a beautiful birth of a brand new soul written in the
Book of Life. Do we shine like the beacon we are supposed to be, or ‘playing’
Church, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’
(Gen 4:9).
If you don’t know the answer to that question, then you need
to have a talk with your Pastor. And if he doesn’t have the answer, then you
need to get a new Pastor....and read your Bible.
So, what happened? The Church feeds us with new-age
psychobabble and self-improvement workshops, instead of the Gospel. This
post-modern Church teaches us to take care of ourselves instead of ‘going into all the world to preach the
Gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15). Is the Church feeding its own
agenda or truly reaching out to the community?
If you don’t know the answer to that question, then you need
to have a talk with your Pastor.
We have embarked on a fast track social gospel that has
forfeited missions and outreaches that touch the afflicted in the community, we
have allowed Pastors to preach services in jeans and untucked
shirts...actually, my sister said it best: “There was a baby dedication and the
Pastors showed up looking like hippies.” Don’t look so surprised...when’s the
last time you went to the grocery store or Wal-Mart and did NOT see someone in
their pajamas?
Social gospel has skyrocketed church attendance but the true
Gospel has suffered. And if the true Gospel suffers, then the message is weak
with worldly motivational speakers disguised as disheveled teenaged Bible
college graduates.
The Church is churning out a bunch of unsaved, unhealthy,
post-abortive, gay-affirming, ecumenical motivational junkies. ‘Blessed is the
pure in heart for they shall see God’ (Mat 5:8) reminds me of the true
Salvation message of the Bible, the one Jesus died for, THE FOUNDATION that is
ignored in the Church today.
If you have questions (and I hope you do), then you need to
have a talk with your Pastor. And if he doesn’t have answers, then you need to
get a new Pastor....and read your Bible.
Failure of Forgiveness
The Failure of Abortion is our failure as a person, as a
Church, as a Family, as a Nation. Abortion is personal but exponential in the
realm of human nature and accepted doctrine. We have grieved, protested,
prayed, complained in the face of CHOICE...but
have we forgiven? Consider this:
‘Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is
covered.’ (Psalm 32:1)
‘But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared.’
(Psalm 130:4)
‘To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we
have rebelled against Him.’ (Daniel 9:9)
‘And whenever you
stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your
Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.’ (Mark 11:25)
Probably the best Scripture reference about the ultimate act
of forgiveness (besides the ones
noted above) is straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ while He was nailed to
the Cross was “Father, forgive them, for
they do not know what they do,” (Luke 23:34).
An open heart forgives, a closed mind is still trying to
gather suspects. But trying to open the heart is like trying to pry open a
sealed tomb.
‘Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.’ (Matthew 18:21-22)
As I was testifying for the Heartbeat Bill, the chamber was
overflowing with pro-abortion women and men that want to keep abortion not just
legal but accessible to even minor children. While sitting there, it occurred
to me that these people are just as guilty as the abortionist; they smile and
nod in agreement. They vote for pro-abortion candidates and legislation. Yes,
they are responsible for abortion as
much as the post-abortive mom who carries her shame, grief and guilt while
these pro-aborts have the unadulterated nerve to wear ‘lady parts’ costumes
dancing in blasphemous nose-thumbing ridicule.
Then, in regard to what is of the law of the land (all law,
not just abortion), Jesus said to “Render
therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that
are God’s (Matthew 21:22)” – essentially, we have to fight the government’s
abortion law with the law and fight the Church’s ineptness of proper doctrine
WITH proper doctrine, which is God’s. Jesus saw that there is and will always
be a tug-of-war with Christians and Government and made this as simple as possible:
Give back to Caesar AS A CHRISTIAN.
And then there’s the FAMILY....sigh. They are the worst offenders and need the most
forgiveness, although they don’t think they do. Post-abortive women and men
have been let down by their own families. Families always think they know
better for you when in reality they are protecting themselves from your
pregnancy. Family is who you are supposed
to trust in turbulent times but that is not always the case, particularly
in regard to unplanned out-of-wedlock pregnancies. But here we are,
post-abortive, in a family that has an unforgiving heart...and God EXPECTS us
to forgive them as He forgives us: ‘For
I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more” (Hebrews
Failure in
Forgiveness is what keeps us bound down and tight in our past. Forgiveness is easy and free. We
sinned, we repent, we are forgiven. Can’t get much simpler than that BUT YOU
for your accusers, just as the woman caught in adultery (John 8:4-11) and see
that the accusers are the accused leaving one by one, in need of forgiveness themselves, then SIN NO