Pastors Guide to Preaching & Teaching Abortion Exceptions
This is a Pastors Guide to teaching and preaching about abortion in the pulpit, the media and social media utilizing the Bible as the guide to all matters. Any Pastor that relies on a person's opinion rather than the entirety of Scripture needs to hand in his/her ordination. That being said, understanding the Pastoral Letters [1&2 Timothy, Titus] should make the Pastor [and staff] completely understand why there is no room for 'opinion' or 'exceptions' to scripture.
Just as any Minister, I am ordained by a ministry/church that I trusted and loved. Imagine my surprise and heartbreak to know that a lead Pastor and some Associate Pastors believe that abortion is ever reasonable. I would not have believed it myself until I heard it with my own ears in the pulpit during a worldwide church service, which set on the ears of perhaps MILLIONS.
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This Pastor said, "Abortion is MURDER!" and followed up with "except to save the life of the mother." I was devastated, disappointed and MAD. How dare he say he is prolife when it is quite apparent that he is pro-abortion? By saying this, he opened the door wide to many accepting abortion rather than against it. Any exception to any rule leads people in the direction of the exception. And lest we forget, exceptions make that person and Pastor AS God, rather than letting God BE God.
The Church should be the child's champion, not executioner.
I go to the Word of God, just as any Minister or Child of God should do. The reason why the Church is an absolute mess is because of 'exceptions' to the Word of God, the rule of Scripture. And by that I mean accepting homosexuality and abortion knowing full well the Bible teaching against sexual sin and murder.
Nope, this ain't rocket science...just Bible. All of it. NOT deviating from it. THAT is why I am a Minister, protecting what is pure and good and perfect.
1Timothy 6:3-5 says:
v3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness,
v4 he is proud, knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions,
v5 useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself.
- Verse 3 is quite clear about teaching 'otherwise', exceptions, straying from the truth for any reason.
- Verse 4 indicates that pride protects the sin & sinner with acceptance which causes confusion.
- Verse 5 makes it quite clear that if there is no resolution with this Pastor, turn away. Find yourself another Church/Pastor that agrees and teaches the entire Word of God without exception.
The Pastoral Letters were written to Pastors for a reason. There were problems with many Churches in the beginning of the Church Age because many went back to or mingled with what was not of God. These things were addressed in the New Testament because the purity of the Gospel was being perverted even at such an early time. Obviously, this has not changed much with 'churches' popping up everywhere calling themselves 'accepting' without properly evangelizing the lost.
Straying from any biblical truth is dangerous and prideful, even if without proper teaching, "...although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief," [1Tim 1:13]. Of course we want to let the Pastor/Church know that even in ignorance, the scriptures should always be searched diligently to have the correct answer to any question. But not all Pastors/Churches wish to acknowledge their lack of biblical wisdom, but rather keep their opinion because of their pride. It is quite clear that this Pastor that I've spoken of is protecting the sin of abortion because of an abortion he has intimate knowledge of. No one can be that vehement of something without being privy to it.
And finally, 1Timothy 3:5 says, "...for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?" As I mentioned above, this Pastor, and a plethora of others, lean on exceptions to protect the sin and sinner. And if they find that to be acceptable in their own house, how can the ever lead a congregation of people who trust him/her?
To summarize the sin of abortion exception and acceptance, Pastors should remember that a child martyred for the mother's life - or anyone else - still goes through a heinous death of their skull being crushed, arms and legs being torn off, and their tiny, beating heart left to stop beating on a cold stainless steel table...and their final resting place in an incinerator or being dumped in a landfill.