Five Things the 'Pandemic' Taught Us
This is NOT a drill...wait, yes it was. And you PASSED with flying colors.
Here in Ohio, where a 'republican' won governorship last major election cycle, this 'pandemic' was the perfect storm to test the waters of who he really is. Conservatives did NOT want Mike DeWine. AT ALL. But our candidate did not win the primary simply because SHE was very conservative. The Swamp hates that. Republican in name only, a lobbyist dream. But more on Mr. DeWine later in this article.
So then, let's look at these last couple of months through the eyes of a 'pandemic' police state.
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Covid19 taught us that it will establish the majority. And that majority was not as partisan as you would think. Most governors across the nation complied to a radical unnecessary economic shut down through fear, control, and censorship. It also kept people from congregating except at state approved sites. You WILL be arrested at a church service but not at WalMart.
SIDE NOTE: We are already socially distant from people because of the internet, it was physical distancing that took us even farther apart in society. Keep that in mind when they tell you sing louder.
Covid19 taught us that how to vote. In Ohio, we just had our pseudo primary that was mail-in only. If that alone doesn't tell the tale...but think of it, our right to vote has been ransomed and the Dems LOVE that. How would anyone know if their mail-in ballot actually got there and counted and by the actual registered voter? You don't. We have been watching local elections and the amount of dark money, BIG MONEY, funding fake conservatives is astounding. And people are lapping this up as if they just elected Reagan. We lost great conservatives to swamp dwellers because the 'pandemic' took our eyes off the prize of being the country our Constitution promised every American. Mandatory vaxxing is being considered because this fledgling nanny state will think for you...for your own good.
Covid19 taught us that this 'pandemic' was just an exercise. COME ON PEOPLE!!! Covid19 has a 98% survival rate! But it has been an exceptionally smart 'pandemic', hasn't it? It has forced privately owned businesses to produce PPE's and ventilators at warp speed. Think of it: A corporation that builds cars can suddenly build life saving ventilators? How can that happen without prior knowledge? How do you go from building a family sedan to hospital equipment in days? Is the government forcing these companies to build and produce so they can store up for the real pandemic coming?
Covid19 taught us that Democrats LOVE a suffering economy. You would think that's like cutting off your nose to spite your face, but interestingly it is the ultra wealthy Democrats that can somehow protect their assets during recessions and pandemics while we are told to suck it up and watch our retirement disappear. Take one for the team, they say. While we have taken a financial hit from this fake 'pandemic', it is those who root around in trash dumpsters in the middle of the night to feed their families who have suffered greatly and may never financially recover.
Covid19 taught us to pay attention. Empty hospitals, coast to coast. Laid off and furloughed healthcare workers. Hospitals shutting down. Universities closed permanently. No public schools. Small businesses closed forever. Quarantining well people. No families allowed at nursing homes. Forcing the public to wear face coverings that have absolutely no medical value. The government, deep state, whatever you want to call it, just taught you a lesson to open your eyes, pay attention, and put your Constitution to good use or enjoy your new normal AND the tip of the socialist iceberg.
And, for extra credit....
Covid19 taught us that the Abortion Lobby is untouchable. Non-essential healthcare was told to stand down; NO surgeries, NO in-person doctor appointments, NO dental care, NO veterinarian care, NOTHING...except unborn human killing. How does that happen AFTER the governors and state attorney generals told them to shutter until the 'pandemic' is over? Well, the abortion lobby, of course. And a feckless government that will not padlock the abortion mill doors when they continue to kill after being ordered not to. However, your local beauty shop or barber will be arrested for not complying. Baby killing, okie dokie; hair cut, you are ARRESTED and FINED. Abortion is NOT essential healthcare, it is the most flagrant of elective procedures, but definitely NOT essential.
This proved to be 'essential' with Mr. DeWine of Ohio. He was promising his prolife pen would move us closer to a abortion free state. But while all that promising was going on, he would not answer a questionaire for one of our state prolife groups from whom he was seeking an endorsement. But at the last minute he did fill that out, making himself out to be 100% prolife, NO exceptions. Really. By the way, conservatives knew better than that, but we were hopeful. People can change, right? It was time to appoint a state health director, one that DeWine promised was prolife. PROMISED. Instead, DeWine appoints Amy Acton, a known proabort:
“The Columbus Foundation is a philanthropic organization that helps donors connect with organizations for giving purposes. Among the approximately 1,000 non-profit organizations for which the Columbus Foundation solicits donations in Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio and the NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Foundation. These fell under the purvue of Amy Acton.” Read the rest here.
"Ohio's never mattered in the primaries, and we never expected it to drag out this far," says Amy Beech [Acton], an Obama volunteer in the Columbus, Ohio, suburb of Bexley. "There really was no infrastructure, and now it's all over the place – within three weeks we have this million-[person] door-knocking campaign." Read the rest here.
Acton sidestepped a question about her personal view on abortion. “I don’t have a stance on abortion. I definitely am here to follow the law of the state of Ohio,” she said. Read the rest here.
And there you have it. There is NO WAY that Mike DeWine did not know any of this. This is proof that the swamp is a real and evil organism that has no boundaries or soul. DeWine appointed a known proabort to keep abortion alive and well in the state of Ohio.
This is NOT a drill...wait, yes it was. And every true republican and conservative was hoodwinked by DeWine who is now LOVED and ADMIRED by extreme liberals. This is how scheduled 'pandemics' works; sorts out the pond scum and recruits it. Take a look at your governor, Ohio was not the exception to the fake 'pandemic' rule.
The drill is real. Be vigilant. Don't let your silence scream so loudly.