CANCELED: Tighten up, you are being targeted.

Prolife. What a concept. It's so much broader than you think. Prolifers are prolife for all life. We respect life. We honor life. We protect life. Life is in our founding documents that afforded our blood stained freedoms. Over and over we fight for them. But this soon to be post-corona world is going to go face down in a puddle of used masks. I suppose post-corona is now the straightaway into the new apocalypse: social media public offense.

The cancel culture wants you to lose your job, your family, your home. They want to publicly embarrass you to the point of suicide. Literally. They want to shut down churches, not mosques. They want to shut down family restaurants, not bars. They want to shut down private schools, not public schools. They want to shut down the police, not anarchy. These terrorists have no soul or even the ability to be apathetic. But here's the best part of our new post-world: bored domestic terrorists such as antifa sympathizers, proabort extremists, unhinged progressives, besides garden variety social media trolls, are targeting YOU for cancellation. They stalk your page and comments,  find out where you work and live. It's so childish.

The prerequisites for being targeted are: Prolife, Caucasian, Conservative, Christian, employed innocuous middle Americans.

Tighten up, friends. Work on that CCW. Be a free American. Love life. There is much work and ministry to do. They can't cancel God.

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