Faux-Life Sheeple vs. Civil Rights Interposition

Who's right? Who's wrong?
I would say, as I'm sure you can SEE in the photo provided, that intervening on another person's behalf - who is seemingly POWERLESS - for their civil right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is POWERFUL, BIBLICAL, & CORRECT. I would also say GOOD THING that people DID interpose on behalf of people to ensure their civil rights even when others SHAMED THEM PUBLICLY.
Imagine if there was no interposition, no real rescue, of persons who were hated for no real reason other than the color of their skin.
When innocent people are in danger or persecuted, or perhaps hated for no reason, do you shame their rescuers? When innocent people are about to be killed for no other reason than their religion, do you shame their rescuers?
This same interposition dynamic that prompted the civil rights movement is the same exact persecution that PROABORT LAW has STOPPED for the unborn. Black Lives Matter (et al) is PROTECTED to literally stop freeway traffic for hours and to pillage, which brings about lawlessness that broke many other laws. But think about how FEW people were arrested or tried for having interposed because of their beliefs, and may not have saved one life for it. Was it necessary for BLM to do their lawless deeds? If you say YES, then you have to agree that the particular dynamic used should be available to all.
The law did not stop the civil rights movement, then why should it stop the rescue movement? Both movements believe civil rights to be Constitutional - only one is PROTECTED. In order to repeal FACE, abortion has to be shown for what it actually is rather than pseudo 'healthcare'. Rescuers do not impede a person's healthcare, rescuers save lives.
But I ask you this: When an innocent child - who has no voice other than their heartbeat - is about to be killed, DO YOU SHAME THEIR RESCUERS???
My dear faux-life sheeple and their leaders: If you prefer to not rescue, THEN DON'T RESCUE. It isn't for everyone, although it should be. But, rather than SHAME people for saving lives, lift them up in prayer for having the fortitude to do the very hard thing, sacrificing ALL, to save even just one unborn child.
Yes, we should preach. PREACH PREACH PREACH on the sidewalk when moms are about to kill their child. Moms need to KNOW that their child has been known since the very foundations of the world by God and that their sin can be forgiven if they REPENT.
Yes, we should use graphic imagery. Not giving the moms the ENTIRE truth is LYING.
Yes, we should always love. Changing their hearts NOW may saves lives of other children later. One seed planted is a forest is grown.
"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins so that He might RESCUE us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father," [Gal 1:3-4, NASB]