BREAKING: Making Abortion Illegal Will Save Lives. History proves this to be completely TRUE.
This same old stupid, ignorant, naive, oblivious, sanctimonious feminist garbage just keeps rising to the top, much like it does in a toilet. It is still fascinating to me the writer does not accept a simple scientific FACT, the unborn human is a LIFE which is lost to abortion. Read her 'article' here.

Making abortion illegal WILL SAVE LIVES, in fact MILLIONS of lives. However, those who are criminals will seek all the illegal ways to kill their children in secret. BUT HERE'S THE THING: DRUGS are illegal, but there's an opioid crisis. PROSTITUTION is illegal, still there is human trafficking. GRAND THEFT is illegal, still people steal. DISCRIMINATION is illegal, still there is 'protected classes'.
Then, if I follow this inane rhetoric correctly, and somehow making drugs legal makes it SAFER, does it stop people from being addicted and dying and killing others simply because the government is involved?
For every law, there is a criminal waiting to break it. And when abortion becomes illegal, it will be criminals who will break that law and kill. Will making abortion illegal stop all abortions? Most of them. And that's a GREAT place to start. The next step is to make abortion UNTHINKABLE. Killing unborn children is evil and unnatural.

Making abortion illegal WILL SAVE LIVES, in fact MILLIONS of lives. However, those who are criminals will seek all the illegal ways to kill their children in secret. BUT HERE'S THE THING: DRUGS are illegal, but there's an opioid crisis. PROSTITUTION is illegal, still there is human trafficking. GRAND THEFT is illegal, still people steal. DISCRIMINATION is illegal, still there is 'protected classes'.
Then, if I follow this inane rhetoric correctly, and somehow making drugs legal makes it SAFER, does it stop people from being addicted and dying and killing others simply because the government is involved?
For every law, there is a criminal waiting to break it. And when abortion becomes illegal, it will be criminals who will break that law and kill. Will making abortion illegal stop all abortions? Most of them. And that's a GREAT place to start. The next step is to make abortion UNTHINKABLE. Killing unborn children is evil and unnatural.
What VP Pence said is exactly right, your antiquated 70's feminist way of thinking is NOT. Unborn humans are HUMANS, essentially ALL people are 'clumps of cells', and there is NO such thing as a safe abortion because someone always DIES.
"Pence’s dream of returning America to a pre-Roe dystopia, in which forced pregnancy and birth is the law of the land, comes as no surprise." So you watch one FICTIONAL show that's so bad it's on HULU and suddenly you base your abortion agenda on it? Here in the real world, we call that a CULT.
But, to better understand what 'dystopian' actually means, I would suggest seeing the filthy interior of an abortion mill or find out how many women died as a result of legal abortion...and of course the 60+ MILLION dead as a result of this dark, evil LAW. Dystopian? Absolutely. The word 'dsytopia' means 'a society characterized by human misery, squalor, oppression, disease and over crowding' which is exactly where 75% OF ALL ABORTION MILLS ARE. Isn't that an interesting FACT. Proabort feminists have no understanding of what dsytopia actually is.
SIDE NOTE: The author of the original piece also 'writes' for Teen Vogue; writers of this rag that tell teens and preteens how to have sex, use contraception, and get illegal abortions are PIMPS. Sex sells? So do abortionists and panderers.
The video below [turn up the volume] is actual footage of a closed abortion mill. Note the blood stains on the floor, the garbage disposal used for grinding up dead babies...not that it's 'dystopian' or anything....
"Pence’s dream of returning America to a pre-Roe dystopia, in which forced pregnancy and birth is the law of the land, comes as no surprise." So you watch one FICTIONAL show that's so bad it's on HULU and suddenly you base your abortion agenda on it? Here in the real world, we call that a CULT.
But, to better understand what 'dystopian' actually means, I would suggest seeing the filthy interior of an abortion mill or find out how many women died as a result of legal abortion...and of course the 60+ MILLION dead as a result of this dark, evil LAW. Dystopian? Absolutely. The word 'dsytopia' means 'a society characterized by human misery, squalor, oppression, disease and over crowding' which is exactly where 75% OF ALL ABORTION MILLS ARE. Isn't that an interesting FACT. Proabort feminists have no understanding of what dsytopia actually is.
SIDE NOTE: The author of the original piece also 'writes' for Teen Vogue; writers of this rag that tell teens and preteens how to have sex, use contraception, and get illegal abortions are PIMPS. Sex sells? So do abortionists and panderers.
The video below [turn up the volume] is actual footage of a closed abortion mill. Note the blood stains on the floor, the garbage disposal used for grinding up dead babies...not that it's 'dystopian' or anything....